Wednesday 09.23.2015

10 Min to work up to heaviest possible complex:
1 Power clean +
1 Hang squat clean +
1 Thurster +
1 Jerk

50 cal row
40 sit-ups
30 hang power cleans 95/65#
20 HR push-ups
10 Dips

Open WOD:
50 cal row
40 GHD sit-ups
30 hang power cleans135/95
10 MUs

We have a modified schedule for Saturday morning, so please plan accordingly. We have a special workout planned.  We will be partnering with CrossFit LIC to do two WODs at two gyms.  There will be no 9 am class.  Instead, we will meet at CrossFit Gantry at 9:30 and head over to CrossFit LIC at 9:45.  At 10 am we will do a group warm up and begin the WOD at CrossFIt LIC.  After completion of the WOD 1.0 , there will be a .5 mile run over to CrissFit Gantry, and you will finish WOD 2.0 for your total time.  We will be running heats every 10 minutes, so if you would like to start at a later time, you do not have to be there at 9:45.  More details will be released at the end of the week.


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