Overhead Squat
3 rounds Not for time
10 Glute Ham Raises
10 Box step up 95/65#
Want to increase your Snatch and Clean and Jerk? Are you frustrated with your barbell work? Now is your chance to improve your skills and master these lifts. We are lucky to welcome Coach Blanco Juan. Coach Blanco is the head coach of the Brooklyn Barbell Club and is on the CrossFit Weightlifting certification staff headed up by Coach Mike Burgerner. Tonight at 6:30 will begin of our Olympic Weightlifting class. We will start with Wednesdays from 6:30-7:30. As the program grows we will add both time and days. The Weightlifting class will be considered its own program. We ask for a monthly commitment, in order to gain the most benefit out of working with Coach Blanco and being on a program. There will be an additional monthly cost of $40 a month for the 4 classes UNLESS you have a full price Unlimited membership. If you are interested in trying it before deciding, tonight is the night, or speak with Jay or Blanco.