LIC +Gantry
Partner Karen (one partner works,one partner rests)
150 Wallbal 20/14#
.5 mile partner bumper plate run 35/15#
Jackie (individual)
1000 M Row
45 Thrusters 45#
30 Pull ups
Your time will be the overall time of each Partner combined for Karen+Run+Jackie. So if partner #1 finishes in 20:14 and partner #2 in 22:00 the Team time is 42:14.
The gym will be open at 9 am. We will leave Gantry at 9:45 to head over to CrossFit LIC. There will be a group warm-up at CrossFit LIC at 10 am.
Teams will consist of 1 Gantry member with 1 LIC member. Karen will be completed together with one partner working at a time until 150 wall ball shots are completed. Then both partners will run .5 miles to CrossFit Gantry carrying a bumper plate. When you arrive at Gantry, rowers and barbells will be set up and ready to go right into Jackie.
We start heats every 15 minutes. If you do not want to leave Gantry at 9:45, just show up at CrossFIt LIC any time after 10 am and you will be partnered and placed in the next available heat.
After the workout we will be lighting up the BBQ for an End of Summer/Beginning of fall Merger celebration BBQ. Hang out have a burger and a cider and meet some new workout buddies.