Sunday April 10th 1pm – Kettlebell Kitchen Nutrition Seminar. Please Join Kettlebell Kitchen’s nutritionist to learn more about macro and micro nutrients, Paleo and Zone eating and eating for Health and performance. This is a free event and is open to members and non-members.
Sunday April 17th 12:30-4 pm- Run Technique Workshop. We will cover Run technique, running drills, video analysis and injury prevention. $50 for members and $75 for non members.
Sunday April 24th 9 am – Starting Strength Challenge Back by popular demand (and a name change) The Starting Strength Challenge will be hosted by Zilber Coaching. Three attempts to establish a one-rep max in the Squat, Press and Deadlift judged by Starting Strength Coaches in a powerlifting setting.
Saturday April 30th – The gym will be closed for a CORE Leader event.
Sunday May 1st – North Face Endurance Challenge @ Bear Mountain State Park. Register here
We will have class at 10 am , 11 am and Open Floor at Noon.
Saturday May 14th LIC Springs Block Party 12-5 pm. Please join us on Vernon Blvd. for the annual LIC Springs Block Party. We will have a tent set up on Vernon Blvd and equipment out for exercise demos. Come show off your fitness to all of Long Island City. Nothing beats burpees on pavement. Followed by a bbq. Last years event had over 100,000 people. They are expecting more this year.