COVID-19 Safety Protocols


  • CrossFit Gantry will be reopening with a limited capacity based on the requirements in the Forward NY Guidelines for Gyms and Fitness Centers.
  • Based on the guidelines, we are limited to a total volume below 33% occupancy that allows for consistent social distancing of 6′ in all directions.
  • All “Sessions” at  the gym are by reservation only through our Zen Planner App.   
  • Workout stations have been taped down in order to clearly indicate each member’s training area. Equipment including barbells, weights, benches and collars have been spaced out throughout the gym to limit extra travel and reduce the need to gather in one area to get equipment.  
  • Walkway lines and directional arrows have been taped down as well as social distancing markings and signage throughout the gym. 
  • Staff onsite will oversee and facilitate proper distancing protocols during all business hours.
  • The entire back area, including restrooms, showers, lockers and changing area and cubbies will be closed to all members until restrictions are eased or lifted (If you are currently renting a locker you can remove your items from the locker and we will cancel the monthly charge).
  • We ask that you limit the items that you bring to the gym.  A towel and water bottle are all that is necessary.  
  • Members must come to the gym alone. We love your kids and your pets, but every body counts toward the 33% occupancy.  



Every visit to the gym will require:

  • Pre-registration via Zen Planner
  • All Members and Coaches will complete a daily mandatory health screening questionnaire prior to arrival (a link will be emailed after every class reservation)
  • Contactless temperature check
  • All Members and Coaches must wear a mask at all times.
    • Acceptable coverings: cloth-based and disposable mask that cover both the mouth and nose. 
    • We recommend the Under Armour Sportmask 
    • Bandanas, buffs, and gaiters are not acceptable face coverings for use in gyms.
  • Individuals who screen positive for covid-19 symptoms will not be allowed access to the gym.
  • All attendance records from Zen Planner and Covid-19 Questionnaire answers will be stored digitally for no less than 28 days per Forward NY Guidelines (Please make sure your address, phone number and emails are updated in your Zen Planner app).
  • CrossFit Gantry is required to notify the state and local health department immediately upon being informed of any positive COVID-19 test results by an individual at the gym.
  • In the case of an individual testing positive, CrossFit Gantry must cooperate with the state and local health departments as required to trace all contacts in the gym and notify state and local health department of all individuals who entered the gym dating back 48 hours before the individual first experienced COVID-19 symptoms or tested positive, whichever is earlier. HIPPA laws regarding confidentiality apply to all individuals. 



  • We will be using an electric fogger after every workout session to disinfect all equipment and high touch areas. 
  •  Bioesque Botanical Disinfectant Solution will be used throughout the facility
    • Kills active viruses in 2-4 minutes.
    • EPA and CDC approved.
    • Chlorine and Phosphate free, non abrasive and non corrosive. 
  • Each workout area will have a Bioesque spray bottle and a box of Scott Disposable Shop Towels. 
  • 10 minutes will be left at the end of each workout session for members to put away equipment and the coach to oversee and disinfect.
  •  Restrooms will be disinfected every two hours with the electric fogger.
  • The gym will be deep cleaned three times a week by Yafi Cleaning Services (Pauline).



  • The 13’ x 13’ garage door will be left open at all times during workout sessions. 
  • Ceiling exhaust fans will be running at all times during workout sessions to pull air out and promote fresh air flow. 
  • The 14’ Big Ass Fan will be set in reverse to draw air upwards away from occupants. 



What do I do when I get to the gym?

Every member must have a contactless temperature check and wash/sanitize your hands after entering.  You will be assigned to a workout station, where you will stay for the remainder of the workout session. 

Where will I put my stuff?

The cubbies at the front of the gym are available for DAILY use.  A small bag can be brought into your workout station. Nothing can be left at the gym.  The locker area will be closed to all members.  Please keep exploding gym bags at home. 

Do I have to wear a mask? I don’t like it/feel like I can’t breathe etc.

Appropriate face coverings will be strictly required at all times while at the gym. There are no exceptions to this policy. If you need a mask break the garage door will be open and you are welcome to go outside and take it off. 

Will there be chalk at the gym?

We have removed all the communal chalk buckets from the gym. We have pre ordered liquid chalk for any member that requested and have limited quantity in the vending machine.  In addition the vending machine will be stocked with individual chalk bags for purchase. 

Will there be Open Gym hours?

Not at the moment.  Due to contract tracing procedures and the additional expense/ protocols for equipment disinfecting we will not be opening the gym for additional training hours outside of our regularly scheduled training sessions.

Can I leave my weightlifting shoes/belt etc at the gym?

We will no longer be allowing members to leave any training equipment at the gym.

Will the showers be available?

The showers and bathrooms in the back area are closed for the time being.   

Can my kid/partner/dog come with me?

Sorry, we love your kids and dogs.  NY State and social distancing protocols do not. 

Can I come early or hang out after class?

Time in the gym will be strictly limited to the training session signed up for.  At the end of the session we ask that you will PROMPTLY leave the gym.  We love you.  We love your friends.  We know you love your friends.  We ask that you spend time with them outdoors in the fresh air.  Not in the gym (There is a great brewery named Fifth Hammer just around the corner).

Will we be sharing equipment?

Programming will be designed to limit sharing  and if/when it does happen sanitation protocols will be put in place.

How/when is the equipment cleaned?

Cleaning equipment is all about dwell time; how long the disinfectant is in contact with the material.  Bioesque kills active viruses in 2-4 minutes.  Which means it has to be in contact with the surface for 4 minutes.  Spraying and wiping DOES NOTHING.  It must remain on.  We will use the electric fogger to disinfect all equipment after EVERY workout session.  

Should I come to the gym if I have preexisting conditions or consider myself a high risk population for COVID-19?

There is an inherent risk of contracting covid in any public environment. While our safety protocols are thorough, we recommend individuals who consider themselves at high risk to not return to the gym just yet.   Contact us at for contact free one on one coaching if you want to get back in the gym but are hesitant about the group training. 

What should I do if I test positive for COVID-19?

Any member who has been at the gym that tests positive for the virus should inform us via We will contact the city and follow their guidance and protocols detailed above.


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