Saturday 11.01.2014

teams of 3 Rx+teams of 2
25 Ring Dips
50 hang power clean 135/95
75 Pull-ups
100 cal row
1 partner working a time

October is over and so is the 1000 pull up challenge. How far did you get? Congratulations to Christman and Beth for being the first two to finish. Also deserving honors for completing 1000 are Anthony, Bryan, Christina and Katy. Post your numbers to the comments or on Facebook. Regardless of how far you got, hopefully your pull ups are better now at the end of the month then they were at the beginning.
NOVEMBER CHALLENGE: Accumulate 5 minutes Plank hold (elbows and toes) and 10 minutes Bottom of a squat hold every day. 2.5 hours of plank for the month and 5 hours of squatting. You do not have to do this at the gym. You can do it at home while watching tv, in your office while on a conference call or just plop a squat at a bar while you are waiting for your next mojito.

Plank hold

Bottom of the squat

Friday 10.31.2013

Happy Halloween
Max rep rope climbs in 3 mins
For time:
10-1 Thrusters 95/65# Rx+ 135/95#
1-10 Burpees

Perrone in his little green Tutu


Thursday 10.30.2014

EMOM for 6 minutes:
5 strict pull-ups or weighted pull ups
Deadlfits 225/135#
Dumbbell push press 45/25#

Horton the man.


Wednesday 10.29.2014

5-5-5 ascending
10-10-10 across
150 Wallballs 20/14# 10’/9′

Weightlifitng tonight at 6:30 with Coach Blanco. This is the last class of the month to try it out. Beginning next month weightlifting will be an additional $40 unless you have a full price Unlimited membership.

Thank you Zack Anderson for taking so many great photos last weekend and throughout the months. They are looking great.

Dave’s 500# deadlift


Tuesday 10.28.2014

Back Squat
Alternating Tabata intervals:
16 rounds of :20 sec of work with :10 sec rest of
Russian KB swings 72/53#
Box Jump 30/24″

Thank you to everyone who donated to Barbells for Boobs and who came and did Grace on Saturday.  We had some PR’s on Grace and even some leadearboard scores.  We had 5 girls do it Rx’d as well as Dana and Christina who did it as a team at the mens Rx weight of 135#.

Everyone looked great in PINK.

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Monday 10.27.2014

EMOM for 7 minutes – 1 Clean and Jerk
3 rounds for time:
30 double unders
15 Handstand push ups
10 Ground to Overhead 115/75# Rx+ Snatch

Saturday was a great day for CrossFit Gantry during the Ironfest. We represented the gym with some great lifting! Jay posted the 3rd highest squat at 420# and won the Masters 40+ division. Katie posted the heaviest women’s deadlift at 385# and the highest overall female Total at 775#. Jariko hit a PR total of 1030# with the help of a huge 460# deadlift. Dave A. tied for the 3rd heaviest deadlift for the day at 500# and the 3rd highest overall male Total at 1100#. A huge thank you to Coach Dana for putting it together and all the members who volunteered their time and expertise with computers, audio and visual, registration and loading weights. You all made us look good!

Jay 420# Squat

Jariko 460# Deadlift

Katie 385# Deadlift PR

Saturday 10.25.2014

CrossFit Total
1 RM Back Squat
1 RM Press
1 RM Deadlift
30 Clean and Jerk 135/95#

Good luck to everyone today who are participating in either the October Ironfest or Barbells for Boobs.  Please come by to watch a little.  Reminder that there are no classes today.  Heats for Grace will begin between 2:30 and 3 pm. If you have signed up for a heat time, we may combine heats depending on how many people we have.  If you did not sign up, you can just show up.

Ready for some heavy lifting!



Friday 10.24.2014

Every minute on the 2 minute for 8 minutes
4 rounds
Handstand hold for 20 secs, then max unbroken reps in remainder of 2 minutes
4 rounds for time:
5 hang squat clean 135/95#
20 OH walking lunge 45/25#
30 Double unders

Tonights schedule is 4:30 Open floor. 5 pm CrossFit, 6 pm CrossFit. Powerlifting will be from 6-7:30. There will be no 7 pm class tonight. If you are entered in the Ironfest tomorrow you should deb taking the day off. Come in and stretch and loosen up.

Great piece on Channel 7 about CrossFit Kids Gantry South.

Thursday 10.23.2014

Strict Pull-up
EMOM for 5 min:
5 reps (c2b if you can)
15 minutes to establish 3 rep max Thruster
Murder by thruster/burpee 135/95#
With a continuously running clock do one thruster and one burpee the first minute, two thrusters and two burpees the second minute, three thrusters and three burpees the third minute… continuing as long as you are able.

Register for a heat for Barbells for Boobs.  Heats will begin after the Ironfest between 2:30 and 3 pm.

Wednesday 10.22.2014

“Tyrant 22”
22 Deadlift 275/185#
22 Wallball 20/14#
22 Toes to bar
22 HR Push-ups

Today we are doing a Hero WOD in honor of Sergeant First Class Kristoffer B. Domeij, a close friend of Jariko’s.

Born Oct 5th 1982 and grew up in San Diego California. Upon Graduating High School he entered the Army at Ft Sill Oklahoma as a Fire Support Specialist. He then went on to Airborne School and the Ranger Assessment and Selection Program at Ft Benning Georgia upon graduation and completion he was assigned to 2nd Battalion 75th Ranger Regiment at Ft Lewis Washington. SFC Domeij was deployed to combat 14 times; 4 times to Iraq and 10 times to Afghanistan.
SFC Domeij was killed in action by an Improvised Explosive Device in the Kandahar Province of Afghanistan on October 22 2011.

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